American Airlines Outlines October Service Cuts

American Airlines Outlines October Service Cuts August 20, 2020 By: Michael Gutta American Airlines today announced the “temporary” suspension of service to 15 destinations beginning October 7 th , after the federal CARES Act financial agreement ends. As announced, this suspension of service would last through November 3 rd , but the resumption of service for many of these destinations would very much be in doubt beyond that date. American Eagle (Piedmont) ERJ-145 with registration N691AE at CLT lined up for takeoff on Runway 18C on 12/1/2019 (Michael Gutta) From the table below showing all 15 destinations, four cities being suspended currently have American service to multiple hubs: Joplin, New Haven, Roswell, and Sioux City. Rather than a reduction of service to a single hub, American has completely axed these destinations. After the service cuts go into effect, eight of these cities will have no airline service at all, 1 city will have only seasonal service by a comm...